Ecocube with message

Ecocube with message



Now here's a corproate gift that will literally 'grow' on you. Ecocubes come complete with seed packs, soil and growing ingredients. All you need to do is remove the sleeve, peel off the sticker from the cube, add seeds, water regularly (the soil needs to stay moist!), and place the cube in a bright and warm location. After a few days the ecocube comes to life – and they blossom to share a message with you. A unique and interesting way to go green with your messaging. Messages include 'Thank you' and 'Good Luck'.


Available in seeds that sprout two message options: 'Thank you' and 'Good luck'


Pine wood box that is 100% bio-degradable.


Customizable with sticker branding or laser etching of your brand logo on the cube.

Delivery: ASAP

Price Range :AED 50-99

Min Qty :50-99